An apple a day may keep the doctor away buy can it help prevent trips to the veterinarian as well? Apple is a very nutritious fruit and eating one or several in a day can bring plenty of health benefits to humans. It is rich in vitamins and it is also a good source of fiber. You can eat apples as is or you can use it in a variety of delicious recipes such as apple pie, apple strudel, salads and a whole lot more. But can dogs eat apples? If this is a question that has been bugging you for quite some time then you will be delighted to know that the answer can be found below.
A healthy treat
So can dogs eat apples? The short answer is yes. Because it is very nutritious, it is an ideal treat for your canine companion. The emphasis on the previous sentence should be on the word treat though. It is alright to give your dog an apple once in a while but it is not an ideal staple food. This is because dogs need a host of nutrients and apples alone cannot provide all of the nutrients that dogs require. If you will make apples the staple food for your dog, it could suffer from malnutrition due to deficiencies in certain nutrients.
Take out the seeds
Another thing that you need to remember if you want to feed apples to your dog is that it is not safe for them to eat apple seeds. This is because apple seeds contain cyanide that are not only toxic to dogs but to humans and other animals as well. In small quantities, cyanide can cause an upset stomach. In large quantities, it can cause more serious health problems including death. So before you give your dog some apples, be sure to remove the seeds first. Better yet, take out the core entirely to be sure that all the seeds are removed. It is also wise to slice apples into little chunks first before giving them to your dog. Giving your dog large pieces of apples can cause him to choke.
Too much of a good thing...
Apples are healthy for your dog but you should avoid giving too many of it. As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can become bad. This is true when it comes to apples as far as canine diet is concerned. As mentioned earlier, the ideal way to feed apples to dogs is to use the fruit as a treat. When you are training your dog, for example, you can use the apple as some form of reward whenever he is able to do what you ask him to. Or if you notice that you dog is starting to get tired with his regular food, then you can give him an apple to excite his palette again.
So can dogs eat apples? The answer is yes but you should keep in mind the reminders discussed above if you want your dog to remain healthy and happy.
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