Just as harsh temperatures and dry air take a toll on your hands and face, your pet's skin is vulnerable to the winter weather too. Your dog's skin can become chapped and cracked and raw as a result of those bone-chilling wintry blasts. At this time of year, it is important to pay particular attention to your dog's skin care needs.
Even during the cold months, your dog needs her daily outdoor exercise. Tender dog paws and paw pads make direct contact with snow, slush and ice during those walks. Proper dog skin care in the cold months includes towel-drying her paws after outdoor time and then gently rubbing some Vaseline into your pooch's paw pads. This helps protect those pads from drying out and cracking. If your pet will put up with doggie socks or booties while taking a walk, by all means, put them on!
Speaking of doggie boots, you might want to think about buying a fetching sweater for your canine this winter too. Doggie sweaters are not just for family Christmas photos. They hold in body heat which is soothing to her skin.
Since your dog will be mostly indoors during the winter, she won't need to be bathed as frequently as other times of the year. Even if your dog spends a good deal of time outdoors, reduce the number of baths she receives. Each bath removes some of the natural oils that keep her skin supple. When you must bathe her, look for moisturizing bath products to ensure the best dog skin care.
Finally, don't assume that your dog's chafed skin is necessarily weather-related. Sometimes skin rashes and dry spots can be an allergic reaction. Talk to your vet if you suspect allergy problems.
Don't deprive your dog of her need for regular exercise just because the weather is frosty. She not only looks forward to these times with you - she needs them. If your dog is suffering from chapped skin this winter, there are products to make her feel better and promote healing. ProLabs is an online purveyor of veterinarian-strength products including a soothing skin treatment for dogs.
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